High Tech Dentistry required Highly Experienced Training
Released on = October 3, 2006, 6:05 am
Press Release Author = Indent Systems
Industry = Small Business
Press Release Summary = Even though technologic advances provide new tools for dentistry, dentist can not take advantage of them without robust training. Dr Robert Kerstein DMD, Assist. Clinical Professor at Tuffs, Boston made his second visit of the year to the UK to teach 15 experienced dentists how to equilibrate and case finish with T-Scan II. "Dentists are tactile people" comments Dr. Kerstein. "By showing them how I use T-Scan and guiding their use they will gain confidence and become proficient very quickly."
Press Release Body = Even though technologic advances provide new tools for dentistry, dentist can not take advantage of them without robust training. Dr Robert Kerstein DMD, Assist. Clinical Professor at Tuffs, Boston made his second visit of the year to the UK to teach 15 experienced dentists how to equilibrate and case finish with T-Scan II. "Dentists are tactile people" comments Dr. Kerstein. "By showing them how I use T-Scan and guiding their use they will gain confidence and become proficient very quickly."
This amazing device provides the data that dentist have expected articulating paper to provide. The wafer thin sensor records location, force and timing of teeth contact extremely accurately. A "movie" of the bit contacts is recorded in 1/100th second frames and can be analysed intuitively. Tiny interferences that are not seen with articulating paper or are dismissed as artefacts are picked up instantly.
A growing number of dentists are realizing that articulating paper marks do not provide them with enough data to quickly equilibrate and case finish to the quality that private patients expect. Second and third visits adjustment can be eliminated. The T-Scan and associated Computer Aided Occlusal Analysis devices (JVA, EMG and JT-3D: www.occlusion.co.uk ) can be integrated into a practice as both a screening device and an important case finishing tool.
Dr Kerstein provides clinical training at the Dental Training Institute in Chertsey. During the course Dr Kerstein equilibrated a patient who has received dental treatment and many adjustments over the years, but still experienced discomfort and Craniofacial pain. While articulating paper left marks throughout the arch the T-Scan shows that the pressure is higher on the left side (60:40) throughout the closing sequence and first contact to IP take 0.455 seconds. Delegates are trained to follow simple rules of computer aided equilibration with the objective of controlling the Centre of Force icon and track. After a number of equilibrations, taking a new movie to measure the results. Left/right balance is improved to 50.7/49.3%, and the timing of the closing sequence is reduced to 0.2989 seconds, a 34% improvement. The patient reports complete elevation of the symptoms.
The Dental Training Institute (www.dentaltraininginstitute.co.uk ) runs Introduction to Computer Aided Occlusion one-day course monthly. These courses are suitable for clinicians who wish to get hands-on with sophisticated instrumentation and their team. The course covers basic theory and then focuses on how to use the equipment as a screening and diagnostic tool. Team work is central to the teaching philosophy. Dr Kerstein\'s clinical treatment courses run quarterly.